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2024 聖誕 2024 Christmas


在這年終我數算神的恩典,有身體健康、家庭平安和諧,亦我享受的工作和學業。其中最首要最大的恩典莫過於神的獨生子耶穌,生在這充滿罪惡的世止上,忍辱負重,背受全人類所犯的罪。 耶穌自降生為軟弱的小嬰孩便身處險境,受刀劍所迫。祂甘願生於寒微, 不享榮華富貴,選擇在卑微的馬槽裏誕生。 祂的身份顯赫, 有帝王之家的血脈, 卻甘於以奴僕的身份服侍眾人。 祂全然順服父神,為我們樹立榜樣,以身教導我們為大的要服侍小的。 祂踏上十架的路,將自己的生命擺上。只為了愛、為了代我們付上每人因犯罪而死的贖價。 豐足生命何處尋?唯有在主基督。主三天後復活, 現在仍活着。因着他所受的鞭傷,我們便得醫治。

As I count my blessings at year end, I am grateful for my health, my family, my studies and my career. Most importantly, I am grateful for the gift of His Son Jesus Christ. I think of Jesus, pure and unblemished, being born in this filthy, sinful world. As a vulnerable babe, He escaped through the murder threats in dark forces of evil. With utter humility, He chose not to born in a wealthy household but that of a young carpenter, without a proper birthplace in a manger. He was from a royal bloodline but took the image of a servant. His meekness was on full display when He committed Himself to carrying out God’s will, even unto death. He offered His life on the cross as a perfect sacrifice for all mankind, so that we can live by Him. Praise God that He resurrected on the third day, and He lives! And because of that, we live, from now till forever.  An abundant life is found only in Jesus Christ.

回顧這一年,實在豐足。所謂的豐富滿足,是超越物質的享受,更是內心的滿足與盈湓。 能夠做夢想中的工作,每天期待着學習新事物,享受着從中帶來的挑戰或許就是這年的概括。我看到神指引我讀藝術治療課程,憐憫信心軟弱的我,多次叫我要堅定踏出信心的路。 在這課程裏增廣見聞,領受新體驗和新知識,亦與人有深入的對話。 神領我走出舒適的基督徒圈子,除去了我對外面世界的一些偏見,對社會多一層理解,更知道如何為他們禱告。一開始我努力地把基督徒身份藏起來,因為知道加拿大職場上對基督教有抗拒,到現在慢慢的多講一點。 我並不想強迫對方成為基督徒,只是想讓他們接觸到基督徒,看到神在我身上的工作, 將我在基督裏的感動也分享給他們。

For me, abundance is the theme of this year. It is more than a material abundance but an outpouring from within. The fact that I get to do my dream job, to learn something new, and to overcome challenges by God’s grace are exciting beyond my wildest dreams. Teaching art at church and at CCM are like a mental break for me where I could thoroughly enjoy. God is good that He gave me months of confirmations to step into this Art therapy program despite my many hesitations. Yes, there are discomforts and challenges, but He granted me in advance that He will walk with me. I went into this program thinking, “I am just going to experience Jesus”, and I felt warm and secure. So far this program is eye-opening, and my prejudices and insecurities are taken away bit by bit. I felt more accepted and welcomed, and my fear is gradually easing away. I appreciated the deep conversations and relationship building at school and my practicum sites.

另外,神透過我的畫作和文章以網絡、畫本和月曆等的形式傳遞出去,從不同人的口中看到神使用它們去祝福別人。每個回應都讓我很感動,覺得「我是誰呢?神願意這樣用我。 」便覺幸福。期待明年神繼續在藝術的路上,現在加上情緒治療,給我操練和發揮的機會。 我亦很樂意知道你們今年有什麼感恩的事項呢?和對於明年有什麼期盼?歡迎留言 寫給我!

On the other hand, I am in awe to see how God uses my artworks and passages to bless others. Whenever I hear about how my books and calendars are used over encouraging others, I am moved. I ask the Lord, who am I that He’s willing to use me like so. I am so looking forward to seeing what unfolds next year. I would love to hear what you are thankful for this year and what you are hoping for next year. Also, if you have any prayer requests, please leave me a message and I would love to pray for you.

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25 de des. del 2024

Merry Christmas Rebecca! Love your sharing it’s inspirational. It touches me when I read “I m just going to experience Jesus” that’s a lot of courage and letting go of our own egos and insecurities. I am proud of you!!!!

26 de des. del 2024
En resposta a

Merry Christmas Hilda! Thank you for your kind words. Hope you will experience Christ in the new year as well and may His peace and love wrap around you gently! 👶🏻✝️🕊️💗🎄


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