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A Conversation between Polar bear and Penguin 北極熊與企鵝的對話 (Chinese English version)

幾天前畫了這個小漫畫,剛好適合今天的愛地球日。 Just created this about a week ago and I think it is quite suitable for Earth day.

自從在新聞上看到本地的火災和水浸和全球暖化的問題,我嘗試減少對環境帶來傷害。盡量循環再用、使用公共交通、買二手衣服和減少用電。我特別感到有愧,因為神在創世的時候交託人類去管理萬物,我們卻因為自私貪心,刮盡資源令生態受損,資源不能持續,動植物瀕臨絕種,令食物鏈失平衡。萬物都和我們一同受苦受害。我嘗試做自己可作的減慢對環境的損害。I try to be more careful with my impact on the environment as I watched the news about forest fires and flooding in BC and natural disasters over the world. I try my best to recycle, use public transport, reduce impulse buying, buy from thrift stores, and limit my use of electricity. I feel bad as God has given us the role to take care of the Earth since the beginning of creations, but we have failed Him with our self interest and greed, and the rest of the Earth are suffering. I'm doing what I can to slow down the damages to the environment.

同時看到地球逐漸地壞掉,提醒我這個家不是永恆的。神是奇妙的,甚至能用罪的禍害轉化成為祂的美意。 雖然我嘗試盡自己責任保護地球, 我亦明白神給了我們最好的計劃,是在新天新地,是不能毀壞,亦是即將快來的 ! But it is also a reminder to me that our hope is not on Earth, and God uses even the consequences of sin for His perfect will. While I try to do my part in protecting the Earth, I understand that God has a beautiful plan for us in the New heaven and new Earth that is soon to come and will never perish!

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