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花開盛放的鋼琴 A Flourishing Piano (Chinese and English version)

Updated: Feb 13, 2022

花開盛放的鋼琴(2022, 水彩) 「若一個肢體受苦、所有的肢體就一同受苦.若一個肢體得榮耀、所有的肢體就一同快樂。你們就是基督的身子、並且各自作肢體。」(林前12:26-27 我用鋼琴來表達我們和父神,基督和弟兄姊妹的親密關係。 若基督是鋼琴,在基督裏,每位弟兄姊妹就是琴鍵和形成鋼琴的各部分。當我們融洽地合作,各展所長,便能奏出美妙的樂章!沒有任何一個部位是沒用的。無論是隱藏或是明顯的,強壯或是軟弱的,每一個部位都是必需的。我們應該排除偏見,用愛去彼此包容、融入成為一體。當我們相愛,人就能看出我們是屬基督了;我們的整體就代表基督。 原來一座施坦威鋼琴需用一整年的時間去建造!鋼琴的製成需要特別和不同的人才、稀有和珍貴的材料以及長時間花功夫的製造及測試。就如一部鋼琴代表工人的血汗和淚水,我們亦是神的心血結晶需要多年的陶造。過程雖難,結果卻是很值得的。 神的所有豐盛都住在基督裏面,而我們在基督裏面都享受到這一切豐盛了(歌羅西書1-2)!有著這樣寶貴的身份,我們當靠主漸漸除去舊我穿上新我,彼此相愛和敏銳於別人的需要。當一位受傷了,全身都一同哀傷;一位喜樂的,全體同樂!

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A Flourishing Piano (2022, Watercolor)

“If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together. Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.” (1 Corinthians 12:26-27 ESV)

A Piano is a fitting illustration of our intimate relationship with God, Christ and the followers of Christ. Jesus Christ is the piano, while each of us brothers and sisters in Christ are all the components within a piano. When we work together earnestly and seamlessly, we can play beautiful music in harmony. We altogether become one. Only in Jesus can we live and work in unity. Not one part of the piano is redundant. All parts are necessary to play the piano properly and splendidly, whether they are prominent or hidden; strong or weak. We shall not neglect one and favor the other, but to wrap everyone with love with impartiality. When we love one another, everyone will see that we belong to Jesus. We as a whole are the representation of Christ.

A Steinway piano takes one whole year to create. It requires unique and a variety of expertise talented in handicraft and with accuracy on music pitch; rare and expensive materials; months of hard work on intricate manufacturing and testing. Just as a piano represents the blood, sweet and tears of the craftsmen, we are God’s masterpiece that takes years of molding, crafting and forming for our good. The process may be painful and exhausting, but the end results would certainly worth the while.

The fullness of God dwells in Christ, and being in Christ, we share God’s fullness (Colossians 1-2)! With this precious identity, we shall be eager to rid of our old self and replace it by our new self with Christ-like virtues, such as compassion, kindness, humility, forgiveness, etc. Love one another and be sensitive to the needs of each other. When one gets hurt, the rest feels hurt; when one is joyful, the rest rejoices.

© 2022 Rebecca Kwan All rights reserved

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