「他(義人)必不怕凶惡的信息.他心堅定、倚靠耶和華。」(詩112:7) 在這幅畫中,我把注意力放在那個面帶笑容的女孩身上,她正在應對很多事情:一邊踏著單輪車、一邊躲避迎面而來的弓箭,同時頭上頂著各種亞洲美食。她被攻擊的同時並沒有不知所措,找到平衡,不至於失足跌倒。由此我想表達心中的那種平穩和豁達,不是建立於自己的能力,而是在於對神的交託、擺上與單純的相信。
我自小膽小又怕事,是十足的緊張大師,不會處理負面情緒,皮毛小事都輕易令我精神崩潰。所以我讀到此處,特別欣賞和渴望擁有經文內描述的心理狀態。這般信心是面臨突如其來的壞消息仍然保持心裡沉穩,專注尋求和倚靠神,從祂的話得力,稱頌祂仍是好的,並持續信靠。 除此之外,詩人還提出義人的心堅固因為他們堅心相信: - 神已得著最終的勝利 (v.8) - 神的供應不會斷絕,有足夠去施恩助人(v. 5) - 神會公正嚴明地審判各人,義人必得高升和洗雪冤屈,惡人承擔應有的下場。(v. 9,10) 如此大的信心我沒法獨自建立,只有祈求基督堅固我的信心,在稱為和平之君的耶穌身上找到平安。看到這篇作品,我心中因小事翻騰的波浪靠著基督得平復。盼望我的心常扎根於神的本質,不被任何壞消息動搖。
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Bad News
“They (The righteous) will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord.” (Psalm 112:7)
On this piece, a girl is at ease while juggling several impossible tasks simultaneously. She is dodging arrows from the enemies on a unicycle, while balancing delicious foods and drinks on her head. She is under attack and she could fall and get hurt anytime. However, She is not overwhelmed, nor does she panic and cry. She is calm and light-hearted not because of her own abilities but because of her simple faith and complete surrender to the Lord.
Growing up with anxiety over trivial matters, I am in awe of such individual described above and I long to pursue this quiet state of mind. That is to be immovable with confidence in His word, and give praise to Him in difficult circumstances. Furthermore, the righteous remains steadfast, believing that:
God has brought total victory (v.8);
God’s provision is enough to give and lend freely (v.5);
In His time, God will exalt the righteous forever (v.9), so the righteous need not fear being in low estate, in poverty and in oppression.
The wicked will prosper for a time and will eventually waste away, and they will have no claim on the righteous. (v.10)
I feel so weak and incapable of keeping my faith strong. I can only rely on Jesus to strengthen my faith, and receive this peace from the Prince of peace. Just as my heart is in turmoil, this gives me relief, knowing that when I earnestly seek Jesus, He will calm the storm within me and no bad news can take hold of me.