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  • Becca

Cherry Blossom season after Easter

It has been 2 years since I have updated this blog! I have been using Facebook and Instagram but I realize they are not ideal for lengthy passages. I prefer a blog to write a little more about the inspirations and message behind my artworks.

If you have been following my art, you may know that portraits are not my strength. But you may also see that I like to try drawing different subjects so I have decided to give portraits a try. During my devotion, I have this scene appeared in my mind with the God as the Father. This piece of illustration speaks of his kind, patient, supportive and teaching nature. It is taking longer than expected to sketch and now I am finally moving onto coloring stage. I can't wait to show the rest of the image to you all!

It is cherry blossom season and I feel very blessed to live in this beautiful city. Covid and all the mess in this world do not seem to affect the order of the world. Buds are formed and flowers bloom all the same after the gloomy, rainy winter. It is hard not to relate this beauty to our Creator, who is the source of all goodness and perfection!

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