因為 神所賜給我們的,不是膽怯的靈,而是有能力、仁愛、自律的靈。 (提後 1章7節)
“…for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” (2 Timothy 1:7)
這段經文剛好平靜我忐忑的心靈。我禱告求神給我靈感把它畫下來,很快我的腦海中浮現電影海底奇兵。This verse came at the right time calming my fears. I asked God in prayer for an inspiration to express it visually and quickly this thought came to my mind -- Finding Nemo.
電影是關於小丑魚馬林,生性膽小,時常忐忑不安、凡事緊張, 但為了拯救兒子尼莫壯起膽來,與朋友多莉一起越洋尋找兒子。馬林勝過一個又一個的難關,越過琵琶鱼、鯊魚和海鷗的獵食, 在難關中脫變成長。It is a nostalgic Pixar movie about the adventure of Marlin the clown fish with his friend Dory travelling across the ocean to rescue his son Nemo. Marlin used to be timid, anxious and worrying, but for the sake of finding his son, he was transformed to be brave and fearless. We saw how Marlin matured in the process, surviving through the attacks of one predator after another.
而我就是馬林,這數月間,我透過讀經、禱告、講道和奇妙的安排, 更深地體會到神叫我走出舒適圈, 或面對「巨人」或面對難關,都不要怕,只要步向神指引我的位置。祂在不同的組織內為我開路,給我機會分享見證和辦藝術坊。對於容易不安、膽小和高敏感度的我,是緊張又期待。 所幸有家人支持我,朋友為我禱告,處處總有人扶持我,就像馬林有多莉在旁才勝任。I am Marlin, timid and anxious by nature. Early this year, the Lord has called me on many occasions, whether it’s through daily devotions, sermons, or divine appointments, to step out in faith. He has opened doors for me at various organizations to share my testimony and conduct art workshops. Sometimes I get overwhelmed by my fears and limitations, expectations for myself and past experiences so much so that it impedes my sleep and inner peace, but my heart is also filled with excitement. Thankfully my family and friends are supportive of me, just as Marlin could not have made it without Dory’s company.
更加的是神提醒我祂走在我前頭為元帥,並且賜下能力、仁愛和自律的靈以取代我的恐懼。 的確,我沒有可埋怨的,只能稱謝賜我機會的神。我禱告的是靠主做好每天,學習無保留地服侍,並且忠於祂的呼召。Ultimately it’s the Lord who goes with me and advances before me. To replace my fear, He grants me His Spirit of power, love and self-control. Truly there is nothing I could complain about but to be grateful for every God-given opportunity. My prayer is to make the best out of it, learn to serve humbly without reserve, and remain faithful to His calling.
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