在湖面上的石頭一塊比一塊高大,我從一塊跳往另外一塊更高的石頭,繼而越跳越高,一直往高處走(背景參考附近哥爾夫球場)。神是如此幫助我們勝過一次又一次險峻的難關。雖然天空籠罩著密雲,但腳下的呈現彩虹般色彩斑斕的石頭,代表神總是將看似不幸的難關化作祝福,並留下美麗的記號。像約書亞4章9 節提及的,石頭作流存後世的記號,為紀念耶和華神所作的奇事和拯救。
我聯想到詩篇61中詩人從心底發出的歎息,祈求神的拯救:「我心裡發昏的時候,我要從地極求告你。求你領我到那比我更高的磐石!」(2節)以及「主耶和華是我的力量;使我的腳快如母鹿的蹄,又使我穩行在高處。」(哈3:19) 兩段經文裡,詩人皆在水深火熱之中,看似沒有指望、沒有可把握的地方,但他們仍堅信神的掌權和拯救,其信心令千年後的我們仍然振奮。因此我們可向神求力量並放膽邁步向前走,神在難處中使我們堅壯,助我們越過每一個坎。
A little girl is leaping from one stone to another, going higher and higher up. The day is rather dark and gloomy (The reference is based on a photo I took), and that altogether points to challenges that seem to become increasingly difficult. Yet God carries us through, and we leave behind rainbow-colored stones that celebrates the deliverance and miracles of God, similar to how stones are lasting signs of God’s deliverance for Israel in Joshua 4:9.
With this image in mind, I thought of the sincere cry of the Psalmist,“Lead me to a rock that is higher than I!”(Psalm 61:2b) as well as prophet Habbakuk’s “The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights.”(Habbakuk 3:19) Both poets were both desperate about the dire situation they were facing, and yet when no hope remains, they still trusted in God for His very divine nature, and this proofs to us the definition of faith. Thousand years later, we still find them incredibly encouraging amidst our troubles, knowing that tough times do happen to faithful people who follows Jesus and we are not alone. We can ask God for His strength and strive forward without fear because He is one who strengthens us and helps us overcome when everything else fails.
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