「證 明 這 事 的 說 : 是 了 , 我 必 快 來 ! 阿 們 ! 主 耶 穌 阿 , 我 願 你 來 !」(啟 示 錄 22:20)
在手機未流行的年代,媽媽離家前總會在桌上留下便條, 用工整漂亮的字交待她出外辦什麼事,何時回家,給我弄好什麼飯餸叫我自己拿來吃。這個舉動包含著滿滿的愛,和願意被倚靠和不怕被麻煩到的關心,是主動的付出。這也代表著一份安心,表示她很快辦好事後便會回家。背景的靈感來自我在香港幼稚園至初中時期的家。
我們屬基督的也是這般得著基督的照顧,祂不嫌我們麻煩,甚願我們倚賴祂。 基督升天後,我們雖不能見祂,祂臨走時已把一切地上的事都預備妥當,以至我們在屬靈事上什麼都不缺, 祂留下的足夠讓我們能持守信仰直至祂回來。
1. 像媽媽為我留下便條般,祂在聖經給我們留下了清晰的指示,要我們堅定等待和遵守他的話。「 看哪!我必快來,那遵守這書上預言的人是有福的!」(啟22:7)
2. 祂賜我們鼓勵,安慰和安心的話,說不會把我們撇為孤兒 (約14:18)衪離去只是暫時的,是為我們預備地方,好將來接我們到衪那裡。(約14:3)
3. 衪留下出人意外的平安給我們,平靜我們心中的風暴,讓我們充滿溫暖和喜樂。
4. 以及賜給我們聖靈保惠師作永遠的陪伴。祂賜下的聖靈會把一切事教導我們,並且引導我們適時地想起基督說過的一切話。(約14:18,26)
當然基督再來有公義和審判的一面,對認識基督的人來說也有溫暖、信實和慈愛的一面。 耶穌,我所一直響往面對面相見的,我最親密的主/朋友,必為我們再回來。這簡單四字「我必再來」不是最令人感動的嗎?我期待祂快回來的那天!
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I am coming soon
“He who testifies to these things says, ‘Yes, I am coming soon.’
Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.” (Revelations 22:20)
My mom used to leave a handwritten note on our dinner table when she had to go out for some errands. Her writing was neat and artistic, and on the note she wrote to me where she was heading, when she would return home, and what she made for me on the table. This represented my mom’s love. Her gesture of care showed that she willingly served us and did not mind being relied on. It also gave me a peace of mind that she’s coming back soon. This piece was inspired by a photo of my old home where I lived from three to twelve in Hong Kong. On the piece of paper, the Chinese characters are translated to “I am coming soon”.
I extend this to the care of Jesus for us when He knew that He soon would depart from the world to His Father. Knowing fully well that we would go through a time of waiting, He gave us enough to remain steadfast in Him.
1. He gave us all the instructions we needed in the Bible to ensure our faith would anchor in Him until the day He returns. Those who keep and obey His word are blessed (Rev. 22:7).
2. He gave us consolations and encouragements to press on till the end. He assured us that He would not leave us as orphans. He is away temporarily to prepare a place for us, and we will be together forever when He returns. (John 14: 3, 16)
3. He leaves us with peace that calms the storms in our hearts, and fills us with joy and warmth that transcends all understanding. (John 14:27)
4. The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, comes in His name to live inside us eternally as our guidance and our companion. The Holy Spirit will teach us all things and reminds us of Jesus’ teaching, of God’s word in our time of need. (John 14:26)
On one hand, Christ is returning to be the glorious and rightful judge and ruler, paying vengeance against the enemies. On the other hand, Jesus is returning with His love, mercy and faithfulness for His people. This is the sentiment I want to express through this piece. He is my dear God, my closest Friend who I long to meet face to face. The same goes for those who know and follow Him. “I am coming soon” are four simple words that are incredibly touching and powerful. Yes, Lord, please come!
童年時電影中常見有一幕稱之為:不日放映. 等代下一集的出現.