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Inspiring Women of Faith 3 信心女勇士 3 (English and Chinese version中英文版)

Updated: Sep 7, 2021

Inspiring Women of Faith

Song of the Wilderness – Best Documentary of 2018 International Christian Film and Music Festival

Yang HuaYu (Left) was born into a family of photographers. As a young, ambitious photographer zealous for the kingdom of God, the Holy Spirit drove her to pray earnestly for Shandong, her hometown after a 7-day fasting in search of His will. She prayed for partnership with God to film 1 movie for the sole purpose of glorifying Him. Later her family asked her to take over the studio in her hometown, and she accepted the offer.

Her plan did not go smoothly as the government announced a reconstruction of the entire community at the reopening of her studio. With faith she insisted to stay. She was then introduced to an old Christian lady, Xu Mama (Center) who tirelessly took care of a paralytic elderly Fan Jian Xiu (Right) alone for 8 years in a dreadful environment. She was in awe of the faith,perseverance and joy emerged from the elderly, whom prioritized God above all else. She spent 1.5 years witnessing and filming the stories of the ladies of faith until their death, and another 3 years filming Xu Mama’s flaming impact of an evangelical explosion on the community.

Xu Mama had gone through 20+ years of insanity because at age 6, she witnessed the slaughter of her loved ones during WW2. Worse yet, she was isolated by her family and severely bullied by the villagers. At 30, Jesus appeared before her and healed her. She had never heard of the gospel, and was resolute to find Him at all cost. It was not until age 50 when she finally saw Jesus’ portrait at a church and recognized Him as the One who brought healing upon her! Since then, she travelled near and far to take care of the weak that go unnoticed. Xu had no complaints but was joyful in the Lord as she lived in a house among a heap of rubbles without water, electricity or a proper roof.

After 7 years of filmmaking, the documentary was finally completed the day before Director Yang’s flight to Jerusalem. She originally intended the premiere to be in China, but God made it a blessing first to the Jews. The entire audience was convicted, bowed down and humbly repented God. God is still using Xu Mama’s story to bring many to Him to this day!

Xu Mama at 79: “I am not old. I’m a child before God… I will still be the soldier of God! I will grow from a small mustard seed into a big tree, to transform Momodun into a Gospel town!”

© 2021 Rebecca Kwan All rights reserved


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信心女勇士 III 曠野之歌 - 2018奧蘭多基督教國際電影節"最佳紀錄片獎"

楊華雨導演(左)出生在攝影世家。信主受洗後,她對神的國度熱心,並以七天的禁食尋求神旨意。聖靈引導她熱切為家鄉山東禱告,並在禱告中求神與她合作, 拍攝一部單單為了榮耀神的電影。後來她的父親叫她承繼她哥哥在老家的影樓,而楊姐妹也接受了。

翻新影樓本來順利,可是在裝修快完成時,政府突然宣佈社區拆遷重建, 她的計劃全盤瓦解了。但神的道路高過人的道路, 楊姊妹願意持續相信神並選擇留下來等候。 此時她認識了胥媽媽 (中) , 她是一位差不多年屆80的姊妹, 單獨照顧一位癱瘓的獨居婆婆, 范建秀 (右)八年之久。楊導演花了一年半的時間攝影兩位老人家的生活點滴, 在她們去世後繼續拍攝了三年胥媽媽在她村莊和教會裏遺留下來令人鼓舞的福音爆炸。

在二次大戰時期,胥媽媽在6歲時因為親眼目睹家人被殺而變得精神錯亂, 瘋癲了二十多年。 她飽受家人離棄和村民欺凌之苦。在30歲那年耶穌基督在祂面前顯現並完全醫治了她。 當時未聽聞福音的她決心要不顧一切尋找這位救主。尋找真理二十載,她50歲時被附近教會的聖詩吸引,進入教會認出耶穌的畫像,發覺這便是向她顯現的救主!

胥媽媽以基督為生命的首位,不但原諒傷害她的人,並特別照顧那些居住偏遠且被忽略的人。 對於自己生活窮困、住在瓦礫堆中、房子沒有頂、沒水沒電,她堅忍沒有怨言,反倒是常滿有喜樂,讀經讚美神。對我來說最動容的是她對范建秀甘願犧牲的愛,不只口裡說,更用行為表現出來,沒有一絲委屈。她願意無休止地為范婆婆洗棉被、煮飯甚至抱她到河裏清洗。胥媽媽從口發出的不是埋怨,而是滿有對天堂真實的盼望、對神的忠心、和對基督的愛!

胥媽媽:「 不能說身體不行、也不能說老、也不能說年紀大,我在神面前是小孩子!我還能幹,我還得當精兵呢! 我是一個小小的芥菜種,叫我長成大樹,把這個饃饃墩變成福音墩!」

© 2021 Rebecca Kwan 版權所有

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