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Inspiring Women of Faith - Dr. Joanna Tse信心女勇士- 謝婉雯醫生 (Eng/Chi versions)


Updated: Nov 14, 2021

Dr. Joanna Tse (1968-2003)

Pulmonologist, the Daughter of Hong Kong

Perhaps there would not be one person from Hong Kong who had been through SARS and did not know Dr. Tse. She was described as humble, kind, patient, compassionate, smart, and caring. She had all the attributes that every patient would wish for in a doctor. She was best remembered for her heroic act during the SARS outbreak for volunteering to be in the SARS team to serve the ICU patients. She was the only female in history rewarded with a Gold Medal for Bravery.

Her earlier life was not smooth sailing either, and it might have made her what she was later. Dr. Joanna Tse was born in 1968 in a low-income family. Growing up she had always been one of the ideal students at school with a passion to help others. She came to know Christ in her 20s, and was active at church. She met her husband Albert Chan, a doctor, at the emergency department as they worked alongside each other. Soon Albert was diagnosed with blood cancer. Joanna married him in 2000 when he was recovered briefly after a bone marrow transplant.

Albert’s illness worsened when Joanna was away for studies in England. Upon hearing the news, she hurried back to Hong Kong to take care of her husband, while working full time at the hospital. He passed away in 2002, only 1.5 years into their marriage. With faith, the couple did not consider it to be a tragic end, but only a brief good bye. Despite the pain and mourning from the passing of her husband, she was determined to work and serve the patients to the best of her abilities.

During the SARS outbreak, Joanna fearlessly intubated 4 patients in a row within half an hour. She expressed she was not afraid because she would leave the burden to God by prayers, and she believed God kept her there to serve His purpose. She was soon infected, and passed away after 40 days battling against the virus. Dr. Joanna Tse passed away in May 2003 at the age of 35. She remained obedient and faithful to the Lord till the very end. With her self-sacrifice and unconditional love towards others, she lived out the mindset of Jesus Christ: “Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” (Philippians 2:3-4)

© 2021 Rebecca Kwan All rights reserved


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謝婉雯醫生 (1968-2003 胸肺科醫生, 香港的女兒 或許沒有任何一個經歷過沙士時期的香港人不認識謝婉雯醫生。 跟她有接觸的人都形容她為謙卑,有愛心,溫柔,有耐性和體貼, 是病人理想中的醫生。 她最為人熟悉的是在2003年沙士爆發初期主動加入集中照顧沙士病人的隊伍,包括患沙士的ICU病人。 謝醫生對於病毒沒有畏懼,表示她祈禱交給主便不會驚慌,而且神將她留在世上是要她為神做點事。這顯出她剛強 壯膽,順服,憐憫的心腸。 謝婉雯醫生在一九六八年生於草根家庭,從小勤奮好學、謙虛、樂於助人,是一名出類拔萃的好學生。 她自小立志成為醫生因為希望能夠幫助人而且盡用自己所長。會考時期考獲8優的成績,在中文大學醫學院畢業後,於屯門醫院胸肺科擔任醫生及後來成爲部門主任。 雖然如此,她沒有驕傲反而身體力行,動手幫助下屬,對病人特別溫柔體貼。 謝醫生的丈夫陳偉興是也是一名醫生,是在急症室一同工作時認識的。在談論婚嫁的時候陳醫生發現患有血癌,謝婉雯醫生相信這是神給他們愛情的考驗,堅定不放棄,並且在2000年結婚。 謝婉雯醫生在二十多歲的時候認識基督,決志信主,並在結婚後跟隨丈夫到他的教會聚會和受浸。 在結婚一年半左右陳偉興醫生離世。 憑著對神的信心,這對夫婦相信這不是一個可悲的結局,而只是一個暫時的再見,「彩虹下的約定永不變」。神的鼓勵和安慰支持謝婉雯醫生渡過這傷心的階段,她仍然努力去服侍照顧病人。 沙士期間謝婉雯醫生不畏懼地連續在半小時內為四個病人插喉,可能因此受到病毒感染,40天後離世,終年35歲。 如此年輕有為的醫生英年早逝令人傷心,但是以屬靈的角度來看,她忠於神的託付,完成使命,得到神的喜悅, 並且終於能夠進入安息與神在一起,這不都是我們竭力追求的嗎?而且她可以和丈夫在天上相聚了,也成為了我們後人的榜樣。她活出了基督願意犧牲、毫無保留的愛和順服的態度:「...只要存心謙卑、各人看別人比自己強。各人不要單顧自己的事、也要顧別人的事。你們當以基督耶穌的心為心。」(腓2:3-5 畫這幅畫最困難的地方是照片比較模糊,有些細節只能估計。這張照片中謝醫生是帶上眼鏡的,細節的地方看不清,唯有找她沒有眼鏡的頭像照,想像她帶上眼鏡的是什麼樣子,再畫下去。還有顏色方面我第一次這樣畫:一開始先淺淺掃一層粉紅色的背景。我想讓這幅畫看來比較溫馨一些,因為醫院本來顏色感覺比較冷。我挺喜歡畫作最後有一點照片陳舊的效果。

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