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Inspiring Women of Faith 信心女勇士 (English / Chinese versions)


1. Liu Hsia (1942-2003) is a Taiwanese writer, an advocate for the disabled, and the founder of the Eden Social Welfare Foundation. Her pen name is Child of Apricot Forest, meaning the child of skillful doctors. Because of her Rheumatoid Arthritis, diagnosed at 12, she was in and out of the hospital all her life.

Liu Hsia was converted to Christianity and baptized at 15. Her faith in Jesus shined bright when she expressed her endurance and joy despite of circumstances through her writings. Her physical limitations might have prompted her a gentle and patient heart as well as a sharp eye for observation, which touched and encouraged me as a reader.

2. Joni Eareckson Tada (1949- ) overcame her physical limitations as a quadriplegic resulted from a diving accident at 17, and became an artist on a wheelchair who is known for drawing beautiful paintings with her mouth.

She once again lived out her faith when she had no bitterness but remained faithful at her cancer diagnosis. I was most touched when she shared that “suffering is like a splash-over of hell”. With suffering we are reminded of how weak and unworthy we are, how much we need Jesus, and how precious salvation is from Him alone. Then she, together with her husband, wondered what is "splash-over of heaven". Would it be great accomplishments in life or a comfortable and smooth sailing life? No, they both agreed. It would be finding Jesus in the "splash-over of hell"! It is this sweet, delicate moment being so close with Jesus and there is nothing better to compare!

I paint this two inspiring ladies of faith because I resonate with their physical limitations due to my own chronic illness. They are very impressive for their faith, but I also realize that the Hero behind it all is Jesus Christ. Because of Him, we are not completely devastated. In fact, we are blessed because we get to taste the goodness and realness of Christ. Prior to my illness, I had some head knowledge about Him, but now I feel as if I have found a hidden treasure that is too valuable to be priced. It does not lessen the heavy weight of suffering, but knowing Christ intimately far outweighs any pain and inconvenience. Moreover, suffering will not last but Christ will. He accompanied me and lifted me up at my worst. He brought me help through many loving people at my times of need. What I meant to say is, Jesus is the best!

© 2021 Rebecca Kwan All rights reserved




我選擇畫這兩位女士因為她們雖然身體軟弱,內心卻非常剛強。在逆境之中對神的信心強大, 越戰越勇!

左邊是杏林子,相信大家都有耳聞或者看過她的散文。她的文章很勵志,對於長期病患帶來的苦楚困境她沒有退縮,反而熱愛生命。 她的文筆細膩, 對於身邊的景物觀察入微, 總是讓人感動。她的作品很常放在小學中學的教材類作為鼓勵和學習的對象。杏林子是一位虔誠的基督徒, 在15歲便信主和受洗了。她對生命積極的態度相信也是很受基督的愛和永生的盼望所影響。

右邊的士輪椅上的畫家, Joni Eareckson Tada。 不知大家看出來沒有? 她在十七歲時因跳水的事故導致手腳癱瘓。透過耶穌基督的愛她從抑鬱中走出來,用口叼著畫筆繪畫。她作的畫滿有活力、朝氣, 難以看出是非健全的人畫的, 反而透露出她的生命活得很豐盛。

我特別感動於她在患癌症時分享的見證。一天她跟丈夫討論道,「現在的苦楚就像從地獄潑在我們身上一點水花」。 我們地上的苦楚很苦,但相比在地獄裡無盡的痛苦是多麼微小。因為主耶穌的救恩我們都不用受地獄裡的痛苦了。我們是何等軟弱的罪人; 我們何等需要主耶穌所賜的救恩!

然後他們討論什麼會是「從天堂撥在我們身上的一點水花」。 是不是舒適的生活或者人生中達到什麼成就? 他們都認為,不是,而是在地獄的水花中經歷到耶穌基督!

我對於她所說的特別受感動。人生有很多痛苦,可是藉此得著基督的話, 一切都值得了!我患病之前對於耶穌只有一個頭腦上的知識, 患病後才是真經歷衪的美善和真實。我不會用任何東西去交換的。 雖然信主後痛苦未必減少, 但是痛苦不會維持到永遠,唯有基督是永恆的。他愛我、支持我、陪伴我、抱起我、伴我渡過最困難的時光,願您們都各人都有同感!

© 2021 Rebecca Kwan 版權所有

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