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Let us make a Star Pose 星形擺Pose (Eng/Chi versions)

Let us make a Star Pose

“Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands." (Psalm 63:3-4)

King David wrote this psalm in his time of great danger at the desert of Judah. The enemies were chasing after him and could take his life any moment. But on the brink of death, he still praised God and sang that God’s love was better than his life! God’s love was above his own life that he was so desperate to keep! David meditated on the fact that God saved his life many times before, and he trusted God would deliver him again. Therefore, as long as he was living, he would yet lift up his hands to praise the Name of God.

This psalm perfectly demonstrated David’s trust and complete surrender to God. From what I read, his faith did not come all of a sudden but was the fruit of an ongoing communion with God. He knew God by heart, and had walked with Him nonstop over the years. David’s heart reminds me to stay in the Lord always, let the Holy Spirit guide my path and my prayers, so that I can sing praises of God in the most trying times!

If we praise God in afflictions, how much more should we praise Him when life is smooth? When creating this piece, I thought of a meme that was popular for a time where a group of ladies made a star-shaped group pose for taking photos, which I find it very creative. This pose is a symbol of our enthusiasm to praise God in singing, and to join and raise our hands to glorify His name.

Behind them I drew a winery I visited in Langley this past summer. It was founded and ran by a family in Christ. The husband shared his testimony about how God guided them to start this business as a ministry to glorify Him and to take care of others. They started everything from scratch, and faced many obstacles, but God listened to their prayers and helped them overcome miraculously. From the amount of time, labor and efforts they invested, I saw their obedience and reliance on God while doing the best they could. I was one of the many who listened, was in awe and praised the Lord for their faith and the work of God. May we all trust in God fully and praise Him always whether we are comfortable or at the time of hardships!

© 2021 Rebecca Kwan All rights reserved


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這句經文很有意思, 詩人大衛王在危險重重的時間作這首詩歌。敵人隨時奪他的命,但是大衛的生命危在旦夕仍然讚美神說 , 神的慈愛比生命更好! 他思想耶和華神曾經拯救過他的性命, 堅信神會再出手拯救 。所以他此刻還活着便要舉起手來稱頌神的名 !

大衛對耶和華神的信靠在這段詩篇全然顯露了出來。看來他的信靠不是偶然的信心而是長久與神交通、同行而結出來的果子。這提醒我要常常讓聖靈主導我, 常活在基督裏面, 由此在患難仍然可以喜樂讚美主!

既然危難時要讚美神, 平常安穩的時候也要讚美祂! 我在構思這幅畫的時候想起有一張曾經網絡爆紅的照片, 六位婦女在街道上擺陣成為一個星形拍照, 非常有創意。這個剛好表達大家一同口唱心和讚美神的意思。

背景畫了我剛剛這個暑假Langley城市參觀的一個酒莊。這酒莊是基督徒弟兄一家經營的。他分享見證,講述神如何帶領他們展開這個事工,目的是藉生意榮耀神的名。以前從沒經營過這類生意,這對夫婦遇到不少難題,亦缺乏人手。但他們願意身體力行,一心順服神的旨意。每逢遇到困難向神呼求,神亦奇妙地解決。 聽見的都為他感恩, 歸榮耀給神! 願我們無論生活平靜還是經歷風浪都願意用嘴唇去讚美和舉手稱頌神的名!

© 2021 Rebecca Kwan 版權所有

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