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馬大與馬利亞 Martha and Mary (Chinese and English version)


Updated: Jun 10, 2023


「耶穌回答說、馬大、馬大、你為許多的事、思慮煩擾.但是不可少的只有一件.馬利亞已經選擇那上好的福分、是不能奪去的。」(路10:41-42 )

當馬大在忙著預備接待,而妹妹瑪利亞在「躲懶」(其實是在聆聽耶穌說話),馬大自覺有理,覺得耶穌定會站在她那邊,讓耶穌吩咐馬利亞一番。 我也能理解,覺得服侍周到、賓至如歸,才是待客之道。當然馬大盡心服侍神的心是可欣賞的,但原來神更注重我們單單渴慕祂的心,先花時間與祂交通、建立關係,勝於我們工作至疲於奔命。並非以工作填補我們的心靈,而是唯有基督滿足我們。

我享受忙碌又充實、行程排得很滿的感覺, 亦會因小事情焦慮,想靠己力控制各事。因此發現當我越忙碌,愈想尋求神的面;當我愈多擔憂,愈需要找祂聊。在人看來禱告讀經或者是付出,但其實我是得著好處的一方。這讓我從繁瑣之中稍得歇息, 從眼前的問題轉移至神的大能和信實,重新聚焦於神和祂的國度,免得我的力量耗盡且失去忙碌的意義。祂藉此賜我每日需用的心力、信心和平穩。祂矯正我的缺失,引導我悔改,好讓我以自由和清潔的心開始每一天。透過這段時間,祂陶造我的觀點、態度和行為,除去纏繞我的憂慮和緊張。 感謝主,與祂相聚後總能心情輕快積極地渡過當天,預備好解決眼前的問題。

朋友們,您們心裏有鬱結、擔憂和忙不完的事情嗎?我提議您們先尋找基督,和祂傾訴, 讓祂淨化更新您的心, 預備好面對每天的繁忙和衝擊。

Martha and Mary

“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:41-42)

Martha likely felt unfair and overloaded when Mary was “doing nothing” (Mary was in fact paying attention to the Lord’s teaching). As she requested Jesus to command Mary to help, she believed the Lord would be on her side. I would have the same assumption too, that we shall go the extra mile to make our guests feel at home, especially a VIP like Jesus. Doubtlessly Martha has good intentions for serving Jesus with her best. But what Jesus appreciates is not all about work, but a yearning heart for Him. It should not be work that satisfies our soul, but Christ alone who satisfies and completes us.

I like to be busy and productive, and to keep things under my control. I get restless and uneasy when the tasks are not complete. However, I realize that the busier I get, the more I feel the urge to seek His face; the more worried I am, the more I need time with my Lord. This may seem like a commitment, but rather, I am on the receiving end. By setting apart time daily for devotion and prayers, I receive strength, confidence and tranquility from Him that I cannot find elsewhere. He puts me into perspective of whom I am serving for and why, lest I lost the purpose of my busyness. He convicts and drives me to repent of my sin, and enables me to live each new day free and forgiven. He cultivates a godly mindset, attitude and actions, lifts off my stress and anxiety, and directs me to live out Christ. After spending time with Him each morning, I feel motivated and light-hearted, ready for the day’s work and challenges.

If you are feeling exhausted, anxious and overwhelmed, may I suggest coming before Lord first as you start your day afresh. Take time to be still before Him, meditate on His word and pour out your heart to Him with prayers of praises, petition, intercession and thanksgiving. In time it will make a wonderful difference in your life. Are you Mary, Martha or both? What are some other ways to be more like Mary?

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Jun 14, 2023

Shalom Rebecca! Your artwork is beautiful indeed. Adding the devotional sharing, it's wonderful. Keep going! Isaac


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