“But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ." (Philippians 3:20)
Please note the passport is only a visual illustration for an easier understanding. There is no such thing as a passport to heaven. But Jesus emphasized on the importance of our names being written in heaven. (Luke 10:20)
I realize that I am often either too proud or feeling inferior. I have no peace when I am at either extreme. Why can I not be in the middle ground? Peace dwells within me only when I am truly humble and contented with what I have. Then I will no desire to compete, compare and to be jealous. This comes from knowing and firmly believing in my worth, and that is, our citizenship is not on Earth but in heaven. It is our hope, our longing and our identity.
Our identity is: We, as the followers of Jesus Christ the Son of God, are the children of God. The Holy Spirit is given to us and dwell within us for eternity as a mark of this identity.
I think of the US green card that people spend years to get. The recent immigration trend is a hot topic within Hong Kong as people try to grab hold of a better future overseas. But this gift of citizenship in heaven is never dependent on our efforts, strength and abilities to obtain. It is a promise that was planned and graciously given by God since the beginning of creations, and is complete through the sacrifice of Christ, our faith and the work of the Holy Spirit. It is not temporal that only lasts a lifetime. It is the best kind of future that we can ever receive and will surely come to a reality.
Let us live out this identity. Let us live with heaven in our mind at all times. Let us remember that we are the ambassadors of Christ, that our actions should reflect Him as we wait for Him to return. Let us glorify our Father God with everything we do, and let the Holy Spirit guide us in our thoughts, prayers and actions!
I used some lilies to decorate the “passport” because I really like this verse, “My beloved is mine and I am his; he browses among the lilies.” (Song of Songs 2:16) It is such a beautiful intimate relationship between God and I. I made sure I do not know any Katherine Pang in my life as I drew this so that hopefully no one will be offended by the date of issue, possibly indicating that the person is dead. And just FYI, I used my own selfie to draw the passport photo!
© 2021 Rebecca Kwan All rights reserved
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artbyrebeccaK/
「我們卻是天上的國民.並且等候救主、就是主耶穌基督、從天上降臨。」腓 3:20 注意這只是一幅插畫讓大家容易些明白, 上天堂的證件並不存在, 但是耶穌基督說了,「...要因你們的名記錄在天上歡喜。」(路10:20) 我了解到自己常在兩個極端徘徊, 抑或驕傲抑或自卑, 很少是在中間的。這都是我的腦袋裝了很多世界上的事情, 常把自己和別人比較和爭競。如果我能夠堅持相信自己的價值不是在地上而是在天上的話, 便不會如此痛苦了 ! 那樣我才會完全謙卑和知足, 並有平安在心中。我們是天上的國民, 我們的希望、渴望、身份和價值都是在天上的。 我們的身份就是基督的跟隨者, 被祂救贖而得以聖潔的, 也是父神的兒女。這個身份的印記就是神所賜給我們的聖靈了,這個記號是永遠不會拿去的。 常聽到人們說美國綠卡很難才拿得到,最近香港人也努力找移民的出路,嘗試爭取一個更好的將來。但這天國國民身份是一個最好的禮物,從來都不是靠我們的努力和能力能夠抓住的。這身份是神從創世以先已經計劃好,透過基督的捨身、我們的信心和聖靈的工作得以成就。身份甚尊貴,和任何國家的身份無法比爾。而且這個身份是永遠有效的,並不只今生。 希望我們大家都活出這個身份,由現在到永恆。讓我們的生活都以天國為念,常記住我們是基督的代表,活著為了基督亦像基督,直至他再為我們回來。讓我們每天榮耀神,讓聖靈引導我們的思想,禱告和行為! 這幅畫裏我用了一些百合花作裝飾, 因為我特別喜歡這句經文,「良人屬我、我也屬他.他在百合花中牧放群羊。(歌2:16)」這述說了神和我們多麼美麗和親密的關係! 證件上方畫了神的寶座和基督在祂右邊, 還有鴿子代表聖靈。下面湧流的水是參考啟示錄 22:1. ------ 關慧心 Rebecca
© 2021 Rebecca Kwan 版權所有