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  • Becca

Psalm 1詩篇第一篇

兩個月前我參加了一位牧者的安息禮拜,雖然只見過他一面,但過程特別感動我。分享中我感受到他對生命的盼望與熱誠、單純跟隨服侍主的無悔,以及他和太太雖是白人卻如此愛華人,甘願大半生於亞洲服侍。當中提及他的一個好習慣 ------- 背誦詩篇。他一生背誦越百篇,於他最後的日子得著甚大幫助,在軟弱無力看聖經的時候,神總透過腦海中經文扶持鼓勵他。故此我仿效他學習背詩篇,由第一篇開始,這幅畫的靈感便是從詩篇第一篇而得,背景是取材於今年夏季與爸爸一同於Lynn canyon行山時拍攝的美景。一整個風景都是綠油油的,身穿綠衣服的女孩在溪水旁讀聖經默想,詩人論到晝夜思想神話語的人是有福的,此人像一顆樹載在溪水旁,按時結果子,葉子總不枯乾。這景象甚和諧,滿溢著神賜給我們的平安和單純的喜樂和滿足。


"But whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers." Psalm 1:2-3

I attended a pastor's funeral this fall. It left an impression on me not only because as a Caucasian he had a lifelong dedication to evangelism in China, but also him living out the life of Christ. He used to recite the book of Psalms, and for the duration of his life he recited over a hundred Psalms. The verses on his mind helped him tremendously through his last days. I am touched by this habit and I've been doing the same since. I started from Psalm 1 and hence this piece was created. The reference picture was a photo I took this summer at the 30 ft pool at Lynn canyon. I particularly loved the girl in a green shirt who happened to sit and relax by the clear, blueish green water with trees that are much higher and greater in comparison with a cooling shade during summertime. This scene gives off a sense of peace and simple joy that we experience when God fills us with His word.

I was intimated by the size of this piece so at first I dreaded working on it. Also I was trying to paint loose style but I gave up half way as I added more and more details. But with my paintings I don't usually give up and always paint till I am happy with it. Even though it may turn out different from what I imagine, it looks different in a good way.

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