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張寶華牧師及音樂中心 Rev. Paul Chang and Music Center in Myanmar



I am so grateful for the recent art commission of two pieces of digital artworks for Rev. Paul Chang’s 93rd birthday celebration. Rev. Chang dedicated his life to Jesus at a young age, and with his musical talent, he has committed his life toward mission. The music center is named after him and is currently under construction in Myanmar, to be offered specifically for worship and music ministry. It is now put to a halt because of the ongoing civil war in the area.


The sky in the painting represents both a sunset and a sunrise. Although Pastor Chang’s life is approaching the end on Earth, it is also revealing his new chapter of eternity in God’s kingdom. May God’s light shine across the land of Myanmar, and may the gospel spread across the region through music, reaching those who are yet to know Jesus.

另外那幅綠油油草地的畫,其實我是按照未完成建築的照片拼湊而成的。我得知那地仍然有傳道同工努力籌劃和組織中,雖在戰火中仍未放棄使命。 所以圖中畫了將來盼望見到的景象,就是大家紛紛一同在中心裡歌唱讚美神,願中心被神大大使用。

As for the piece with a green pasture, I used photos of different angles of the unfinished building to illustrate how it may look when the construction is complete. Knowing that fellow workers in Christ are still dedicated to the project despite the ongoing warfare, I want to depict this hopeful scene where people worship the Lord with singing and playing of instruments inside the finished building.

想起出埃及記35章的比撒列,神竟然能夠在荒漠中用得上一位藝術家建會幕,神那也能巧妙地使用我不完美的藝術創作,作如此有意義的作品。更重要的是把我和與我素未謀面的牧師和當地弟兄姊妹和未信主的朋友,以及為這項目奔波和付出的弟兄姊妹連結起來。 我感受到自己只是其中一環,背後有弟兄姊妹們各盡其職默默同工, 從他們身上我看到了愛心、信心和樂意施與。的確,神的國度裏是沒有分種族和地域限制,跨越了這些,讓我們的心透過聖靈連繫。請大家在禱告中紀念牧師以及這個項目,盼望在不久將來能完工啟用。

I think of Bazelel from Exodus 35, who was filled with the Spirit of God with wisdom and knowledge to construct the tabernacle in the desert. I am grateful that the Lord is using my imperfect skills to create these two pieces for such a meaningful project.

What blows my mind is how the Lord connects me globally with Pastor Chang as well as the brothers and sisters whom are humbly serving the Lord behind the scenes. Indeed, there is no limit to the kingdom of God by ethnicity or region, but the Holy Spirit connects us all in Christ. I ask that you keep Rev. Chang and the construction project of the Music Center in your prayers. Thank you!


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