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老實說,我是一個情感敏感的人,別人的情緒擔子很容易把我累倒,對於負面的事情我需要很多中場休息。我知道神把她們放在我的生命裡不是要我硬著頭皮地死命照顧。但同時我希望透過我的聆聽,回應和畫畫時的引導給她們適時的安慰,亦觸動她們到神 (就是安慰的源頭)那邊支取力量和安慰,就如神在我的患難中安慰我一樣。
"... who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God."
2 Corinthians 1:4
Recently I've met a few ladies who are hurt. They each have their healing journey and are hoping to feel better. I saw the surprise in one of the lady's face when my suffering aligned with hers, and she started opening up more about herself. I feel that somehow my suffering that for many years I failed to find a reason to explain now has a purpose to it. That is to have empathy for those who go through the same thing, to testify for the Lord how He gives us strength to live through each day, and to pray for them with zeal and compassion.
Truthfully I can't handle emotional burden very well, and I need to take lots of breaks in between. But I know that I'm not relying on myself and forcing myself to care for others. I just hope I'll be a timely encouragement to those who need it. I hope they will receive the same comfort and peace Jesus filled me with in my dark times.
This clip took me forever to create because 1) there are three characters and they each have their own features, facial expressions, clothes and colors. 2) their actions may look simple but I had to draw different poses for each slide for each character. So this was challenging and more complex than I thought. But I'm glad I decided to finish it. I hope you will like it.