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Thoughts from a Food Lover 對美食的想法 (English / Chinese version)

Updated: Jul 21, 2021

“Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” (Matthew 4:4)

Dimsum is one of my favorite foods to have with family and friends. As a kid, I used to hate it, and preferred Mcdonald’s over this traditional Hong Kong style food. I have started to appreciate it a lot more now after studying in a small city with barely any authentic Chinese food.

My family and I love eating. We frequently watch food videos on Youtube and scroll through food photos on ig. Food is not only essential to survive , it is also my passion that I share with my family and friends. I reflect on this verse if I have the same sense of daily necessity and passion in eating as much as reading and digesting the Word of God? (“Bread” in the verse is translated into food for some bible versions.)

Indeed, I feel spiritually dry and withering inside for days that I skip my bible reading. I get irritated and depressed easier, with a hopeless feeling like there is a piece of the puzzle missing in my heart. Then I know what is missing – I need to get close to God and study His word.

Scripture tells us why we should study it daily:

1. It brightens and guides our life path (Ps 119:105) so we do not get lost.

2. It is God-breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness so we are completely equipped to do work that pleases God (2 Tim. 3:16-17)

3. It helps us remain vigilant from sinning against God. (Ps 119:11)

4. It is alive and active, sharper than any two edged sword even to dividing soul and spirit. It judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. (Hebrew 4:12)

God’s word is powerful, clear and direct. It communicates to each person according to our specific needs at the right time. His word never expires. I cannot number the times I was amazed, touched, lifted up, strengthened, educated, comforted, convicted, freed from the guilt, and overwhelmed with joy, peace and hope from studying the bible.

I admit there are some parts of the bible where I find it hard to read through, but I read them knowing that all the verses come together to point towards Jesus Christ, our perfect Savior and Redeemer. Jesus has fulfilled over 300 prophecies written by the many authors in history inspired by the Holy Spirit. He is definitely returning for us to fulfill the beautiful ending on the last bit of the bible that we all look forward to!

© 2021 Rebecca Kwan All rights reserved

對美食的想法 太4:4 耶穌卻回答說、經上記著說、『人活著、不是單靠食物、乃是靠 神口裏所出的一切話。』 港式點心是我最愛的食物之一。小時候我很不喜歡去飲茶,因為父母跟朋友聊天花幾個小時慢慢聊,而我只想吃麥當勞。可是自從到遠處讀大學,當地甚少吃點心的地方,我便很懷念這種美食,或許是人長大了。 我們一家都很愛吃東西,基本上每天都在網絡上看跟食物有關的影片和照片。我思想到自己吃靈糧,即閱讀和思想神的話,是否有超越對食物的熱愛? 的確,當我有天沒有看聖經的話我內心便感覺乾涸和貧乏。而且比較容易動怒,不開心和對於前路迷惘。當我察覺到這些負面情緒的時候,我便了解自己當下缺乏的是什麼 ---- 就是需要快去親近神,禱告和聽衪的話。 聖經提及到為何我們每天需要培養讀經的習慣: 1。神的話清楚指引我們人生的路向,以至我們不迷失方向(詩119105 2。神的話提供我們完全的裝備,讓我們能為神所用,作合乎他心意的美事(提後3:16-17 3。神的話時常提醒我們以免我們不小心犯罪得罪神(詩119:11) 4。神的話是活潑和有功效的,一針見血,連人心裏所想都能清楚辨明(來4:12) 神的話是大有能力,清楚和直接的。他的話永遠不會過期失效。神總是按著每個人的需要透過聖經對我們說話,都是度身訂做的,不會延誤或過早,常常恰到好處!所以我已經不能數算有多少次因神的話而感動,震撼,堅固,受教導指正,安慰,提醒,從罪得著釋放,和觸動以至充滿了愛,喜樂,平安和希望。 無可否認,某一部分的經文我也覺得難以讀下去,但我照樣閱讀知道所有章節都是指向耶穌基督我們完美的救主。舊約所寫有超過300個預言,就是聖靈透過不同作者在歷史上所寫的,都已經在基督的身上實現了!基督肯定會再回來實現聖經最後所寫的完美結局!

© 2021 Rebecca Kwan 版權所有

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