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Tim Hortons 添記 (Chinese English versions)

「 耶穌說、我的食物就是遵行差我來者的旨意、作成他的工。」(約4:34)


此時基督正為我們示範如何把祂的生命全然傾倒,為了作成神差他的工:基督從猶大步行到撒瑪利亞,疲累又捱餓,並非偶然遇到那名撒瑪利亞婦人, 而是特別為了她和城中的民得救而至,吃飯對祂來說是次要。

基督既然遵行祂父親的旨意, 作為基督的門徒,我們也就仿效祂,遵行祂的旨意。 耶穌的行程常常都安排得很滿,祂從天未光便起床,禱告親近神、走遍加利利,傳道和趕鬼(可1:35-39) 一大群人每天包圍著祂,祂卻沒有阻止、沒有覺得厭煩, 神的兒子沒有達官貴人的架子,反而隨時歡迎和幫助那些尋求祂的人。

若有人找我們幫忙,我們先考慮的是什麼?我們願意從基督身上學習嗎? 從上述的事件看到,基督教導我們要努力、有幹勁、有紀律地為主作工、一天的開始先禱告親近神、專注於遵行神的命令 (就是愛神愛人和傳福音的大使命,等),以及看別人的需要比自己的更為重要 (腓2:3)。

我反省自己在各方面都不達標, 神的旨意要切實行出來真不容易啊! 可是我們不單只靠自己,祂會賜給我們足夠愛心、力量和供應完成所託。「我深信那在你們心裏動了善工的、必成全這工、直到耶穌基督的日子。」(腓1:6)最終,神讓我們遵從神的命令不是為了折磨我們,而是為了祝福我們,因為「這世界、和其上的情慾、都要過去.惟獨遵行 神旨意的、是永遠常存。」(約一2:17)


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“My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.” (John 4:34)

We often say that “we eat to live and we live to eat”. We call our livelihood “bread and butter” because food is what keeps us alive and what we live for. Hence, when Jesus claimed that His food was carrying out God’s will to a completion, He was referring it to His biggest driver to live. He pointed out that we shall make haste to reap the harvest as the field is now ready. As Jesus’ followers, we are called to obey His will as He obeyed His Father’s will.

Jesus demonstrated to us the lesson of obedience by this: It was noon. Jesus was hungry and tired from His journey, but rather than taking care of His needs first, He did the will of God. It was not by circumstance that Jesus met the Samaritan woman. In God’s will He travelled there purposefully to bring salvation to her and her town.

Jesus’ schedule was always packed and His day started before daybreak. He rose up early to pray, travelled across Galilee, preached and drove out demons (Mark 1:35-39). He never rejected anyone from reaching Him, nor did He ask them to come back at a convenient hour. A crowd followed and pressed on Him all day. But He never grew out of patience; He welcomed them and was readily available to those who sought Him and asked for help.

What do we consider first when someone asks us for help? Are we willing to learn from Jesus? He taught us to: work hard and develop discipline; spend time with God first before everything else; focus on His command on the great commission and to love God love people, and make it a priority; and in humility count others more significant than ourselves (Philippians 2:3).

I reflect that I love my comfort too much and I am too proud to serve. God’s will is easier said than done. But while we do our best, we do not depend on our own strength. God will grant us enough love, power and resources to do so, because "...He who began a good work in you (us) will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 1:6)

Ultimately, doing God’s will is not meant for torture but for blessings. “The world is passing away, along with its desires; but whoever does the will of God remains forever.” (1 John 2:17)

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