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山火Wildfire (English/Chinese version)




讀約拿書了解到十惡不赦的人 (尼尼微人只剩下40天限期便會全城被滅,可想而知他們罪惡滿溋的程度)神也會施與悔改的機會。約拿認為惡人不可容,與自己的國家是仇敵;神不願有一人沉淪,乃願人人都悔改。(彼後 3:9) 我欣賞尼尼微人的謙卑,人畜皆禁食摒棄強暴,積極地悔改到極致。但試問歷史至今如此悔改的群體有幾多、維持多久呢?



“Even now,” declares the Lord,

    “return to me with all your heart,

    with fasting and weeping and mourning.” (Joel 2:12)

Wildfire has been running rampant in North America. Some parts of Canada are filled with smog, making them top cities with worst air quality in the world.

The plague of locust came upon Judah because of their sin (Joel 2). It is a warning sign from the Lord to repent without delay for people of all ages and all levels of society. Likewise, in facing this natural disaster, we as a country shall repent corporately and sincerely before the Lord. I pray we would acknowledge the urgent danger we are facing, not only with what we see but also what we do not see in our spiritual crisis and decline. God values the sacrifice of "a broken and contrite heart" (Psalm 51:17) Fasting, weeping and mourning are a proper reflection of our true repentance.

Even the worst group of people were offered a chance to repent in the book of Jonah. Their sins were overflowing considering they were only 40 days away from the announced destruction. Jonah disapproved of God’s mercy for his enemy. However, God does not want anyone to perish but everyone comes to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9b) As long as we live, we are not yet a lost cause but God is still willing to forgive.

Over a 100 years later, Nineveh sadly resumed their wicked ways, and they suffered God's righteous judgment of a complete destruction (Book of Nahum). This rings a bell that repentance is not just for nonbelievers but also for Christians alike. It is not a one time thing, but requires us to follow through, be vigilant and actively cleanse ourselves from what is dishonourable.

Note that, Zerubbabel, the high priest Joshua and the remnant were a people who fear the Lord, and still God asked them repeatedly to "give careful thought to your ways" (Haggai 1:5,7, 2:15, 18) of what they have sinned against God. As our Father, God rebukes and corrects us hoping we would change for the better. He favors those who are teachable and obedient.

All in all, God calls us all to listen and obey. As long as we still have "today", we shall harden our hearts no more, turn away from our sins, and with lasting faith entrust our lives to Him (Hebrews 3-4). As we are so easily wavered, let us encourage one another to press on, and receive mercy before God’s throne of grace.

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