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感恩的心畫展 展後分享 Thoughts after a Heart of Thanksgiving Exhibit (Chinese and English versions)

Updated: Nov 3, 2022



畫冊:靠主而活:藝術治療裡的心靈篇章 包含了30張充滿創意和童心的畫作及30篇文章,有關我過往數年在病中經歷神的心路歷程,並透過繪畫得到心靈的治療。在一波又一波的困難裡,我特別感受到每天透過禱告和靈修與神交心的寶貴,因此我將藝術加上聖經上的領受,畫出一張張的畫作,並加上中英文字方便讀者理解作品所表達的意思。畫中想表達的除了從神而來的安慰和鼓勵外,還有神對我的教導和勸勉,令我的心靈變得更潔淨更新,希望對於讀者也是有所得著。

2023掛曆: 湧流的祝福 特別感恩月曆是一位經歷豐富的弟兄設計的,每月的畫作各有本月金句和二維碼,用手機一掃便能看到有關畫作的主題介紹,還有充裕的空間擇下備忘,月曆設計清新簡潔,讓您每天看到都會心微笑。


I’d like to thank all my family and friends who visited or prayed for my first solo art exhibit “A Heart of Thanksgiving”. I felt so blessed and undeserving in the past two weeks to receive all your support and encouragements. I was worried and anxious about one month prior to the opening ceremony, but praise God that everything went smoothly. Though exhausted, I looked forward to each new day of the exhibit where I met friends whom I had not seen for years, mutual friends of my acquaintances, and walk-ins. I enjoyed every conversation, with my family, friends and people of different ages and backgrounds.

Thank you for your words of congratulations. I can never take all the credits for this achievement. I thank the Lord for giving me this opportunity and for completing it in His will. I am grateful to the CCM team for their hard work and dedication, as well as everyone who helped out. My prayer is that the Lord would use the exhibit, the calendar and the art book for His will in unimaginable ways as a channel of blessings to many others. I pray that my testimony through these media will reach far and wide to people who need it so that they will truly know Christ.

If you are interested in buying the 2023 calendar and the art book, please send me a message through whatsapp, contact me by email at, or check out the link below:

Art book: “Rely on Christ to Live: a Compilation of Art-therapeutic Devotional Pieces” is illustrated and written by me. It is comprised of 30 pieces of my paintings along with written passages for each painting, about my encounter with the Lord since the onset of my rare autoimmune illness. During this time, I found my passion in painting and found peace in the word of God. This book is the result of combining the two together -- the spiritual lessons I have learned from the word of God, presenting them visually in the form of art. I realize that I am no longer after what God can give, but I am after God Himself. In Him I experience His goodness that is above all else.

My Cup Overflows – 2023 Wall Calendar The calendar was designed by an experienced graphics designer from Taiwan. Each month comes with a QR code, so that when you scan it with your phone, you may read about the featured painting of the month. There is a lot of space provided for jotting notes and reminders on each page. On top of a clean and simple design, each painting comes with a Bible verse, that will for sure brightens your day.

(Please note it will take about 10-14 business days for shipping to Hong Kong.)

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Daniel kim
Daniel kim
Nov 03, 2022



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