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被人厭惡的納豆 Stinky Natto (English Chinese version)


納豆,或發酵過的黃豆,是傳統日本早餐不可或缺的食物。它獨特的味道和黏糊糊的口感對很多人來說難以接受。可是對我來說並不難吃,它含豐富的維他命K,是在飲食上較難找到的,對於骨頭和牙齒,腸胃和心臟特別有益。人對於納豆抱有極端的意見,有些很喜歡,有些卻很反感。同樣,基督徒主動地愛,原諒和待人真誠,人對我們也是有極端的看法 ---- 有些人特別喜歡與基督徒相處,有些人卻無故地討厭和排斥我們,甚至在身體心靈上傷害我們。因為: 🔵 我們屬於耶穌基督,而世界恨惡基督,所以也恨惡我們。(約15:18)基督作為世界的光,世人因罪的緣故愛黑暗,不願光來到讓他們的行為顯露出來以致受責備。(約3:19-20)我們跟隨基督的人同樣是世界的光,亦因此被拒。 🔵 我們的思想、話語、行為、目標和價值觀很多時候與世界所提倡的大相逕庭,我們好像不入流,過於古板守舊,甚至被看為反社會、藐視他人權利的群體。 🔵 在世界某些地方,基督徒被殺,兇徒倒以為是事奉神的表現。這是因為他們不認識父神也不認識耶穌。(約16:2-3 雖然如此,我們無需驚慌,只要持守對神的信心到底,因為: 🔵 基督早已預言我們在世界會遇到苦難,但是我們可以放心,祂已經勝過了世界。(約16:33)沒有任何人、事、物、靈能讓我們和基督的愛隔絕,我們靠著主已經得勝有餘了。(羅8:36-39 🔵 大衛王寫道,「義人呼求、耶和華聽見了、便救他們脫離一切患難。」(詩34:17)神總是聽我們的呼救,賜下及時的拯救。 🔵基督應許祂必快來,我們必因信而靈魂得救。(希10:36-39) 🔵 人若因基督辱罵、逼迫、捏造壞話毀謗我們,我們就有福了,我們當喜樂,因為在天上的賞賜是大的。(太10:10-12 除了持守信心、堅持到底之外,我們還需: 🔵 敬畏基督以祂為聖,常預備好用溫柔和專敬的心回答眾人我們的盼望的緣由。常存著無虧的良心,如此那些誣告我們這些好品行的人自當覺得羞愧。(彼前3:15-16) 🔵 為基督的緣故甘願成為眾人的奴僕,以基督的真光照光別人,無懼身體的朽壞,並放膽講論神的道。(林前4章)

Stinky Natto

“And you will be hated by all for my name's sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved.” (Matthew 10:22)

Natto, or fermented soybeans, is a traditional Japanese staple food known for its pungent smell and slimy texture that is hard to accept for many non-Japanese. I have started eating it regularly because of its health benefits for better bones and teeth. The opinion for Natto is divided - some people love it while some loathe it despite of its plentiful nutrients.

Likewise, as Christians, we are loving, humble and honest, but still we are being disliked, rejected or even hated unjustifiably for the name of Jesus, because:

🔵 We belong to Jesus Christ and the world hates Jesus first. (John 15:18) They do not like the Light (Jesus) but love darkness because their deeds were evil. They were terrified that their evil deeds will be exposed under the light. (John 3:19-20)

🔵 We do not conform to the pattern of the world so we are rather different in our thoughts, speech, actions, goals and values. We can be seen as being too serious, outdated or conservative.

🔵 In some parts of the world, Christians may even be killed, for the murderers think they are doing their god a favor (John 16:2).

However, we need not fear but remain steadfast in our faith to the end, because:

🔵 Jesus foretold that in this world we would have tribulation, but we may have peace because He had overcome the world. (John 16:33)

🔵 Jesus is coming without delay and our eternal lives will be secured when we persevere. (Hebrews 10:36-39)

🔵 Jesus has granted us peace within us that is out of this world and beyond our understanding (Philippians 4:6-7, John 14:26–27)

🔵 Nothing can separate us from the love of Jesus, not even injury and death (Romans 8:36)

🔵 We are blessed and our reward in heaven will be great. (Matthew 5:10-12)

Therefore, in addition to our endurance, we shall:

🔵 Revere Jesus Christ as Lord, and with gentleness and respect, be prepared to answer anyone about the hope that we hold in Him. We shall keep a clear conscience so that those who slander us against our good behavior may be ashamed. (1 Peter 3:15-16)

🔵 Willingly become a servant for Jesus’ sake, let the light of Christ shine through us, and fearlessly speak the gospel even when our lives are at stake. (2 Corinthians 4)

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