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鞠躬的鹿 Bowing Deer (Chinese/English version)


Updated: Jul 21, 2021

「就是你們眾人、也都要以謙卑束腰、彼此順服.因為 神阻擋驕傲的人、賜恩給謙卑的人。」彼前5:5


最近想起聖經內的約瑟,他自幼便受了不少冤屈和不公平對待。他被弟兄背叛被賣為奴,被主母誣陷成為階下囚,幫助囚犯解夢但及後被遺忘。可是他並沒有埋怨神,亦沒有離開神, 只是默默的努力工作和順著處境倚靠神。到了時候, 神便將約瑟升為至高並透過約瑟在七年饑荒中拯救全以色列。因為他為法老解夢及提出解決饑荒的方案, 他從階下囚成為了宰相。約瑟深知道這都是神奇妙的作為並且主動原諒以及與他的兄弟和好。


逆境倚靠神渡過,並願意原諒和憐憫欺負他的人。到了時候,神便將謙卑的他提升! 基督是活出謙卑最好的例子。他是神的兒子和創造世界的君王,但願意用人的樣式生在世上並像奴僕一般服侍人。他最謙卑的樣子呈現在我們眼前就是祂為了贖我們的罪釘在十字架上, 甘願為了愛我們走進死亡! 三天後神將他復活,並升為至高。

「所以你們要自卑、服在 神大能的手下、到了時候他必叫你們升高。」(彼前5:6) 重點是謙卑等候神, 神到了時候叫我們升高, 那怕不是在今生也持續忍耐! 我可以選擇靠自己的力量反抗,拒絕困難痛苦,並遷怒於神, 但或許就會失去行神旨意的祝福,和跳過了神為我安排訂造的功課,就是失去更像基督的機會。 所以我最近就看到神正在教導我這個謙卑、忍讓、犧牲的功課, 甚至在我遇到不公平對待的時候。我應該用聖經上的真理用愛心說誠實話, 但如果對方不願意改變, 我仍然願意原諒他們。因為我相信神作審判的神,需要的時候他會為我伸冤, 他都會公平處理的, 我只需要不斷的憐憫和原諒。我需要的他會從其他方法賜給我!

© 2021 關慧心Rebecca Kwan 版權所有

“…Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” (1 Peter 5:5)

I am fascinated by the bowing deers at Nara park, Japan. They look so well behaved, lowly and polite as they react to people bowing with a bow. They learned to do this trick for a cracker in return, but I’m using this gesture to illustrate the lesson for me on humility.

I think of Joseph in the bible. In all of the circumstances, Joseph did not fight for his own rights but showed mercy. He was hardworking, yielding and obedient whether he was betrayed by his brothers and wassold as a slave; being slandered by the wife of his master for enticing her to adultery; being forgotten by the cupbearer in the prison who promised to help him out. Through and through, God exalted Joseph AT HIS TIME.

Jesus is the best example for living out humility. He is the Son of God and the Creator, but is willingly born into the likeness of men, and with humility, serve people like a servant. His humility was the greatest to be seen when He walked into death on the cross to redeem us for our sins. “Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you.” (1 Peter 5:6) The key is to wait for God to exalt AT THE PROPER TIME, even if it means after death.

I can resist to be humble, and find my way to fight against adversity with anger to God, but I would risk losing the blessings for doing God’s will, and miss the valuable lesson for becoming more Christ-like.

Lately, I see how God is teaching me a lesson to be more humble, submissive and sacrificial, even at a disadvantage. I will speak my thoughts that are aligned to the bible with honesty and love, but I should forgive the person even when they do not treat me fairly. I believe God will be the judge, and He will vindicate for me in His judgment.

Out of love, Joseph willingly forgave the brothers whom sold him at a young age. This did not only bring about blessings to Joseph but a corporative blessing to the entirety of Israel that saved them out of serious famine!

Humility is to love and serve everyone including those who do not seem deserving, and to do God’s will at all cost.

© 2021 Rebecca Kwan All rights reserved

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